منظمة فكرية ثقافية عالمية ذات نشاطات عملية متنوعة وتضم شخصيات من مختلف الاختصاصات والخلفيات العلمية والعملية من الفاعلين في ساحة الشأن العام والمؤثرين في الرأي العام؛ والمهتمين بتأكيد الانتماءات الوطنية والإنسانية وقيم نبذ التعصب الطائفي في المنطقة وحول العالم، وذلك ضمن تأطير تنظيمي وقانوني يضمن وجودها وعملها وأداءها المؤسساتي.
Leading global efforts against sectarian extremism
An independent voluntary cultural and intellectual non-political organization, which aims to collate efforts that aim to counter sectarian extremism through all possible legal means in a manner that meets the global advancement of media, technology and organization.
• Countering sectarian and racial extremism in all their forms, and exposing all associated violations
• Raising awareness regarding the imapcts of sectarian and racial extremism
• Working to enhance the values of tolerance, citizenship, co-existence and civilizational enrichment among members of various religions, codes and ethnicities
• Contributing towards lifting injustice caused by sectarian and racial extremism
• Establishing an expansive front consisting of those who believe in the importance of countering sectarian and racial extremism, and enhancing the values of tolerance and accepting the other within the Arab world and throughout the world